Saturday, May 15, 2010

Projects Fair >> 9 June 2010

The School of Computing is proud to announce that this year's Project Fair will be held in Kevin Street on June 9th between 10am and 12pm. Further details will following, but here is a quick overview of the event.

All Undergraduate and Postgraduate final year students are invited to participate by exhibiting their final year projects to a selection of IT Companies who will be invited to the event. This is a great way to help you show your work to potential future employers. Tea/Coffee and light refreshments will be served with an opening address by a keynote speaker.

A booklet will be produced for the event and you are very much encouraged to participate by sending me an email with the following details by May 26th.

1. Title of your project (required)
2. Your Name/Year/Class (required)
3. A half page abstract of your project (required)
4. A picture of yourself/Team(optional)
5. Picture of your project (optional)

Further details will be provided over the next few weeks. We will contact you regarding project demonstration options when you send details for the booklet.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Schedule change

Hi all,

because of the potential of the computer security
exam to be moved to Friday morning, I have moved all
demos for Friday 14th to the afternoon,


FYP Schedule


the FYP Schedule is available here;


Monday, May 3, 2010

Project Presentations

Hi all,

there will be a class tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5pm in A28,
I will be discussing the project presentations, etc.
I will take attendance,
