Friday, November 27, 2009

Interim Report

Hi all,

As you are aware the interim report
is due on the 10th December 2009.

If you have an questions about the
Interim Report or other issues, but
are too shy to contact me, please
feel free to post anonymously to
the following board

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Computer Science Relevant Articles

I've started a new blog;

in which I will post links to interresting
computer science related articles.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Installing Software on the Lab computers

Hi all,

this is just following up from a few queries from
students regarding installing software packages
required for your final year projects, on lab

I have just spoken to our technicians and they have
indicated that the policy is you go to them and they
will set up a virtual machine for you which you can
access from anywhere and install whatever software
you want on it.

So if you need to install any programs that are not part
the standard image, just pop over to the technicains in
A112 and get them to set up a virtual machine for you.

